Our Story
How we got started…
Company History
We’ve been in Columbus spreading the truth about Hemp and CBD since early 2014. Starting up as a mobile booth targeting parades, festivals and community gatherings, the company soon branched out into small-scale distribution and partnering with local retailers. As the business grew, so did the global interest in CBD, and it is now growing faster than ever. We do intend to remain on the cutting edge of this inspiring new industry, so it is necessary to adapt and evolve as new science and sane politics continue to emerge.
However, it is also equally important to remember how we got here, and acknowledge why we have been successful thus far. Ever since the beginning, one thing has been ever presently evident – that providing an honest-to-facts education on cannabinoids & their role within the human body is absolutely central to the success of this business.
Our Vision
People everywhere are hearing about the amazing potential benefits of CBD – and almost always in the form of Marketing. Naturally skeptical, they have many questions, and although there are now many places to buy CBD, there are very few trustworthy sources of information where people can go to educate themselves about this exciting topic. This is where we choose to be different, and this is where we choose to excel. In early December 2016, the Columbus Botanical Depot was born. Working with only the finest lab-tested CBD products available anywhere, we set out first to educate ourselves. This has proven to be an ever unfolding process, as the basic understanding of the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) will inspire countless curiosities about Hemp and its potential for enabling wellness on nearly every level of human physiology.
Our Team
Exceptional customer service laced with empathy is what we provide first and foremost. It is our primary mission – to serve the people by understanding the special relationship the body has with cannabinoids, as well as how to best approach supplementation, based on each unique situation.